Default Settings

When you open Microsoft Word, the default font is probably Calibri. For better or for worse, it is what you probably end up using whether you like it or not or until you change it when you are done working on your document.

Calibri may not even be the best font for what you are doing. Maybe you are trying to make a statement piece with a few words to communicate a central idea and what you really need is a heavy weighted font to really emphasize what you are trying to say.

Potentially you are trying to write a long for piece and you need something with good spacing and is easy on the eyes but is not too heavy.

Or potentially, you want to write in a plain jane and you want your font to have look and feel.

Any way you look at it, you still never get there because Microsoft chose Calibri as your font and you have not changed it.

Likewise, when you get up in the morning, you are stuck with the default breakfast options because that is what you buy when you go to the store. You have been trying to eat healthy, but you keep eating the same cereal because it is what you know you are not sure what other options are actually healthy.

You have been trying to read more, but that new year’s resolution really did not stick. You stick with the default of turning on Netflix after dinner and watching your show some more.

You meant to fix that leaky faucet, but you are not quite sure how and the weekends keep filling up with family and friends and anything else, it would be a shame to spend all day inside working on a faucet when the world is full of everything else.

No matter the thing, no matter the excuse, your default is easier.

It is easier to keep doing what you have been doing than it is to do what you want to do. But, now is the time to save yourself and make progress on your one goal or project. One thing for you to make progress on. One thing for you to improve one.

What is your one thing? Who is going to help you stay on track? How are you going to overcome your default?

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Ashes to Ashes

What is it about the underdog story? The story of the gal who rose from the ashes and put her life back together. Or the guy who recovered from addiction and 7 years later is now happily married, stable, and has his second kid on the way. What about these stories resonates so much with me. 

Why is it now that I’ve risen from my comparative ashes that I now feel pseudo invincible. Not in the sense I’ve adopted some risky lifestyle or behavior where I’m on the edge and always looking for my next plane to jump out of or mountain to climb. 

I’m taking risks in relationships. I’m pushing boundaries where I would’ve gone with the flow.

I relate to these stories as I feel as if I have risen from my own ashes. I do not think on the imperial scale my low is the lowest of all lows. However, on the relative scale I do think my low was as low as I’ve been. Now I have the opportunity to rise. I get to be resurrected from the ashes and push forward.

I now get to decide when the pushing stops. I deci whether or not I am going to face the next challenge. I may not always choose or create the challenge. I will decide whether or not I’m going to step up to the plate or take an excuse. 

What excuse are you taking instead of stepping up for the next challenge? 
